Phantasia Syracusaine - Ann-Christine Woehrl Camille Laura Villet

€ 28.00

Ann-Christine Woehrl and Camille Laura Villet  have known each other since childhood. Ann-Christine who lives in Germany and Camille who lives in France, used to meet during their holidays. In 2018, they travelled to Verona together. The idea, at the beginning, was to rediscover each other around a creation. The project PATIENCE OF A SOUL was born, published by 89books in 2019. The following year, they decided to continue the adventure in Syracuse.A reflection on the imaginary sources of the European identity was maturing around Greek mythology. Phantasia Syracusaine is the prelude of it.

1. Edition of 89 + 11AP 06/2021
Texts by Camille Laura Villet
Book design by 89book / Ihor Kotyay
40 pages
24 x 32 cm
34 color photographs
Stapled brochure
Digital print

Category Book