Italian Party - Letizia Giambalvo & Vitaliano Napolitano

€ 45.00

The uniqueness of jointly signing nearly all the work exhibited or published online or in print deserves mention. Objectively, the shot chosen for publication was taken by either one or the other, Letizia or Vitaliano. However, they do not wish to make any distinctions or individual attributions of merit. Not so much because they are a couple in life and in work, but because of the belief (and nothing is more appropriate when it comes to perspectives on reality) that “four eyes see better than two”. This is why they often both take part in the same event, which then leads to the best results for the award-winning firm Giambalvo & Napolitano. This characteristic of working as a couple is unique in photography; there are but few examples. Cinema, on the other hand, is full of excellent directors doing everything together, especially when they are siblings, like the Cohen brothers, the Taviani brothers, the Dardenne brothers, the young D’Innocenzos, the Wachowkis. After all, cinema came into the world over a century ago at the hands of the legendary Lumiere brothers. Cinema, then, the most accomplished and evocative derivative of the history of images, can sometimes be “a family affair”, a splendid family affair. Just like the luminous portraits in this photographic journey, created all in the family by the magical couple of the click, Giambalvo & Napolitano. To my friends, Letizia and Vitaliano.

                                                                                                                            Massimo Scarafoni

1. Edition 03/2024

Texts by Raffaele Curi, Massimo Scarafoni
Book design by 89books
183 BW photographs
1 color photograph
184 pages
30 x 21,5. cm
softcover + pvc dust jacket
Digital print
ISBN: 979-12-80423-65-8

Category Book