FOLIO/Werner Mansholt - Odd Tales
Nowadays travelogue photography has become a genre in itself, with millions of devoted adherents around the globe. At the very second, you are reading this thousands of globetrotters take pictures of crowded megalopolises and tiny god-forsaken places, which they have been brought to by their curiosity and constant thirst for adventure. And it is because of this that we live in an age when pretty much everything ordinary life, bucolic landscapes and urban scenery, people – is intentionally or unintentionally documented and thus preserved for the future. Travel photography is probably the only truly accessible mode of preservation in a fast-changing world. In this light, Werner’s photographs both fit into and stand out of the travelogue genre.
1. Edition 07/2019
Book design by 89books
32 pages
21 x 28 cm
18 color photographs
Stapled brochure in a printed envelope
Digital print
Category Book