FOLIO/Sentinel - Tyler Muzzin


Sentinel is an ongoing series documenting light sources that struggle against the surrounding darkness of the Alberta prairie. On nightly walks I began to imagine the streetlights as sentry patrol, echoing Northrop Frye’s idea of “garrison mentality,” a theme in Canadian Literature when characters build metaphorical walls against the outside world. This mentality derives from part of the Canadian settler imagination threatened by the desolate expanse of the Canadian landscape. Within city limits, the streetlights are like nodes in a vector, slowly expanding the city’s boundary of visibility with every new subdivision. As a cultural prosthetic, electricity extends our vision well beyond “natural” diurnal hours, subjecting certain areas to perpetual brightness. Individually, the scenes appear quiet and banal, but collectively they start to become highly theatrical and incidentally organized with implied drama.

1. Edition 05/2019
Texts by Tyler Muzzin
Book design by 89books
44 pages
21 x 28 cm
32 color photographs
Stapled brochure in a printed envelope