Fabio Solfanelli - Agenda 1950 - Come la neve; come il sole


A 54-year-old man loses his parents within a short time between each other, without having the time to prepare a response to pain, and be able to resist to the loss. In 2014 Fabio lived through this mourning and in the following years he dug into the family archive, looking for a connection with his father and his mother through the images and words he found; like when the train has already left the station and it’s too late. And he asked himself: “if I had little time to live what would I do?” and then: “when I’m gone who will know who I was?”. Then when he found his father’s little red diary from 1950, he started this project as an answer to those questions. Three years before getting married, his parents wrote to each other, talking at a distance on those yellowed pages, which they trusted as a secret messenger. And those conversations prompted Fabio to try to preserve and give meaning to memory, to everything that no longer exists. With photography he has made a journey in search of himself to make peace with life, and looking back he has found a possible way to embrace the collective history starting from the personal one.

1. Edition 05/2024

Text by Fabio Solfanelli

Book Design by Fabio Solfanelli

224 pages

13,5x19,5 cm
Stapled booklet
36 pages

Digital print
ISBN 979-12-80423-44-3

Category Book